May 28Liked by Steve Martin

Godspeed. ❤️

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Much thanks Zoë.

Wondering if I should put that "Arrest Fauci" t-shirt on top of my life jacket.? 😂

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May 28Liked by Steve Martin

Depends where you're wearing it I guess. LOL. Is your name really Steve Martin?

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LOL, Indeed. And the same for the name. That name didn't help much in building my philosopher-persona back in undergrad days. But now, meh. Would just as soon be George Carlin.

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May 28Liked by Steve Martin

LOL - sounds like something Steve Martin would say. You DO know he was a philosophy major as well? When were your undergrad days? (ie., pre/post or during his stand-up

days?). Coincidentally, I was also a philosophy/comparative religion double major as a mature student. I think any good philosopher has the groundwork for good comedy (the Hollywood later Steve Martin notwithstanding! LOL) 😆. I really did love him back in the day - which was WAY before my studies and before I knew he was a philosophy-type. Still do have a bit of a thing for him.

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Yeah, I found out he was a philosophy major, but not until a bit later than my undergrad days of about 73' - 78'. He can be funny, and I especially loved his old stuff on SNL. Slapstick, but with some thought. But then Robin Williams came on the scene, and I was captivated. Still am. And the dramatic range of Williams! Such a tragic end to a brilliant mind.

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May 29Liked by Steve Martin

Did you not see any of his old movies - he's good at singing and dancing etc and he's also an excellent actor I think. Definitely older stuff better. I just couldn't get into Robin Williams and his cocaine fuelled insane act - he was very good in movies though except for that ridiculous Mrs. Doubtfire - eeks! I don't think we know the real story of Robin Williams (or anyone else yet in the Hollywood propaganda machine for that matter.)

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May 28Liked by Steve Martin

Good Woof, and Good Luck!! xo xo xo

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Bark, bark, woof, yowp, glub. 🥰

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May 28Liked by Steve Martin


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Hello, Steve.

Great to see you still up and swinging hammers while swimming with the sharks.

all the best with what is changing — everything changes!

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Hi Guy.

Taoist minded to the core ... like me!

Just going with the flow, and if it happens to be down the drain, will cut the anchor and go with a smile.

Sorry to have not been keeping up with you lately ... pretty sophisticated takes on the spirit of spirit! Getting caught up in local eddies over here, and can't keep up with good flotsam and jetsam, much less the tsunami of junk A.I. is probably helping to spit out.

Cheers Guy!

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hola, steve.

taoist to the core!? lol! me too.

great to see you're laughing into the detritus of wind blown words, even the hollow ones from ai echo chambers.

all the best with what is changing!

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Steve, I assume you know the "One Piece" manga. It's been running since 1997 or so, and it's ending soon. Maybe one more year, maybe two. Are you sure the Japanese are not protesting because they don't want the series to end yet?

The fun thing is that the final confrontation against the weird guy who runs the world government may end at the same time a world government is established in the real world. LMAO!

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Ha. Yeah, never read it, but I only know it because I always assumed that "one piece" was a fishing rod. I agree that the sociopaths who've planned this are clever enough to have placed kagemusha behind plans behind kagemusha behind plans, ad infinitum. After some stints in a still recovering Cambodia, the only difference I can see between developing countries and the developed is the layers and legalized sophisticated of corrupt power.

But the Japanese I personally know are idealists like myself. And they also have a long enough memory to have not forgotten the government's role in the AIDs debacle. In fact, I have yet to meet a Japanese who believes they live in a republican democracy at all. They recognize caste every bit as well as the Brits, and know the sociopaths in power have never had anything but their own power as a priority. On the other hand, that makes for fairly strong local community spirit over here. Just don't know if that will be enough to resist the sociopathy at the top.


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Look out, typhoon, Steve is coming your way! xox

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Leave it to you Mary, to flip nature on its head ... and make one feel good about it.

Now if I can just convince the sparrows, wagtails, and crows who feed on my veranda.

Thanks Mary.

And cheers to you. 🥰

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May 28Liked by Steve Martin

Good stuff. It goes much further up and along a web of ladders of lies with that sociopath: Fraudci. There's also Birx, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, DoD David Morens, big pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS, the hospitals, gov't leaders worldwide that pushed and enforced lockdowns and prison camps.

Is it "too big to jail"? The rot encompasses so much of humanity.

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Yeah, I agree. Although I doubt it will happen, if Fauci faces any penalties, it will be as a sacrificial scapegoat. I agree with the likes of Sasha and Katherine, this thing is so encompassing and long planned, I suspect even those names and institutions would be gladly hung out to dry by the sociopaths who've been planning this all along. And until another opportunity comes along, the real bad actors will simply retreat into the shadows of dark money. Can't trust anything but nearly blind idealism these days.

Despite it all, will go down with a grin ... and a nod to Saint George Carlin.


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Fight those bastards

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Hey Dean!

If it is in the rain, will serve them butterfly strokes. 😂

Cheers bddy!

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Speed Racer! Just barely remember the helmeted hero.

And yes, it does feel good to be part of something ... even if it, or I fails, I'll fail trying ... not lyin' or complyin'.

Much thanks, and keep up the good fight.


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Vive la résistance!

Go Speed Racer Go! (one of my fav childhood cartoons!)

Bet it feels good to be part of the "wake up & do not comply" action. Be safe!

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