Dark Harvest
They play the long game ... chaining we "useless eaters" to the land only to drive us from it.
First, they came for the farmers in India — and I did not speak out because I was not a farmer in India.
Then they came for the beekeepers in Australia — and I did not speak out — because I was not a beekeeper in Australia.
Then they came for the poultry farmers is England — and I did not speak out — because (you guessed it) I was not a poultry farmer in England.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
Oh it is so much worse than even these! I do not recall all off the top of my head, but there are a great many such cases around the world, most, if not all, are in the name of environmentalism. Not only have they gone after poultry farmers in Great Britain, they are doing similar with sheep and cattle in Ireland. In the past couple of years, they have made it illegal or at least trying to make it illegal for ranchers in the States to care for their sick and injured livestock, they must now call on a vet for everything, including what ranchers have done since long before the veterinary profession even existed. There were the massive protests by farmers in the Netherlands over laws that I think were passed but later rescinded but they may have been killed off before passing due to the protests that would force most farmers in that country to cease farming AND prohibit them from working in faring anywhere within the EU.
After decades whining about bovine flatulence destroying the Ozone, yes, for at least 30 years lefty loonies have been complaining about cow farts, they have begun to add a chemical to cattle feed that will lessen or stop cows from passing gas. There are some protests and boycotts against stores selling dairy products and meat from animials given this additive, but I doubt it will be halted. Various products have been given the go ahead to use protein from farm raised crickets. The crickets are dried, ground and mixed with flour and used in breads and others foods in the EU. Elsewhere? A friend of mine in Japan is soon leaving for his home country to became a cricket rancher, to met the demand he believes exists in N. America for cricket meal.
But the roots of this problem go way, way, way back. As a regular listener to the late, great Rush Limbaugh, I learned of the bovine flatulence issue in the 90s. But that is not all. In certain school districts at the time, again in the 90s, children who brought lunches from home were having them confiscated and thrown out because they did not meet public health and nutrition guidelines. Kids could only eat what the school cafeteria provided, whatever it provided. Same too for home made cookies and other treats. As the preparation sites were not inspected by State inspectors, the wholesomeness of the goodies could not be verified so kids in many states were not and probably still are not allowed to bring homemade snacks to school parties anymore.
Sharing these stories I learned from El Rushbo with my reenacting unit, I met with the same eye roll many readers here may perform upon reading the name “Limbaugh”. That is why we are where we are today. A short time after, one of my friends in this group, who was one of the biggest skeptics, took me aside and reminded me of the story I told about food needing to be inspected by the feds before it could be started. His church’s men’s group held their annual fish fry to raise money as they did yearly for over a century. FDA inspectors came to the church yard and shut them down. Again, this was in the mid 90s. He whispered this to me away from our “Pards”. I asked him to share this intelligence with the rest of the company, he refused. Looked upon me as if I had just landed from Mars at the very suggestion that he share his recent experience. He never did.
I have long used Pastor Niemoller’s poem to attempt to wake people up to many of the encroachments upon our liberties for 3 decades. Those of you who fought against the covid madness know the reception I got for voicing my concerns.
Enjoy what you have for as long as they let you have it.
Nothing good will come of compliance of these life sucking ridiculous laws, jabz, GMO's, you name it. Time to get back to nature and living.
Blessings ~